More than 10,000 Hungarians demonstrated their support towards Israel online
More than 10,000 Hungarians demonstrated their support towards Israel online

2021. 05. 20.
Hungarian demonstrators showed their solidarity with the state of Israel displaying the flags of Hungary and Israel in emblematic areas of Budapest and numerous other cities in the countryside. Thousands followed the online demonstration on Monday, where among others, Israel’s Ambassador to Hungary thanked the Hungarians, mainly Hungarian Christians for taking a stand. 

More than 7500 sent messages of support to the event organized by Hit rádió, Hetek weekly political newspaper, and Protest youth organization, signing the solidarity statement as well that recognizes Israel’s right to defent itself, and condemns the violent attacks of the Palestinian terror organizations in the Middle-East. 

Besides the messages of support, Israeli flags were displayed in several Hungarian towns as a sign of solidarity. 

At the online demonstration among others, Israel’s Ambassador to Hungary, Yacov Hadas-Handelsman thanked Faith Church and its media outlets for the long-lasting and continuous support towards Israel, its peace, safety as well as the Jewish State’s right to defend itself.

In his speech, Dr. István Mészáros, former vice president of the Human Rights Committee of the Hungarian Parliament referred to the Gazan rocket-attacks as a „brutal series of actions that signal in itself, that jihadist death-sects like Hamas or the Palestinian Islamic Jihad are only looking for the opportunity to operate their own death camps.”

He added: „We are sending this message to Israel and all peace-loving Arabs: you are not alone, we support you and we are praying for peace int he whole region.” 

Thousands of those, who participated on the online event also changed their profile pictures using Hungarian and English Facebook-frames to show: they are standing with Israel in this time of calamity. 

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